Following is an excerpt from a report in Kalinga Times.

The details of the latest report titled `Status of the Tigers, Co-predators, and Prey in India ‘ (2008), published jointly by the National Tiger Conservation Authority and WII, were made public in New Delhi on Tuesday.

According to the report, Orissa has a total forest cover of 27,427 sq km with mapable tiger occupancy reported in 9,144 sq km. Orissa reported mapable leopard presence in 25,516 sq km, dhole presence in 8,215 sq km and Sloth bear presence in 43,236 sq km of forested habitat.

Amongst prey species wild pig were reported from 21,525 sq km, nilgai 711 sq km, chital from 6,040 sq km, Gaur from 2,772 sq km and sambar from 6,112 sq km of forested habitat.

“Tigers were distributed in four larger occupied units, three smaller units and sporadic occurrences largely in Southern and Central part of the State.

“The larger occupied units comprise of:
a) Simlipal Landscape comprising of 3824 sq km patch of forest has recorded tiger presence in 2 units having a total tiger occupancy of 2297 sq km with an estimated tiger population of 20 (17-34) tigers.

b) Sunabeda-Udanti-Indravati Landscape is part of a contiguous forest patch of 34,000 sq km having a tiger occupancy of 570 sq km of about 9 (7-11) tigers.

c) Tiger population in the tehsil of Malakangiri in the district of Koraput comprising the sanctuary of Balimela and Kondakamberu comprises a part of the forested patch of 6254 sq km that extends from East Godavari , Khammam and Vishakapatnam of Andhra Pradesh.

Tiger occupancy in this forest patch in Orissa was reported in 879 sq km. Sporadic tiger presence is recorded in several places within Koraput district.

d) Satkosia Landscape is part of a forest patch of 13,459 sq km and has tiger occupancy in 787 sq km with several smaller pockets reporting tiger presence. The low density population was estimated to about 6 tigers. The area covers the districts of Phulbani, Gangam, and Kalahandi,” the report said.

“The smaller tiger occupied units having between 6-8 tigers were:
a) In the forested area of Raigarha tehsil in Koraput district with a tiger occupancy of 97 sq km.

b) The tiger occupancy of 221 sq km was recorded in Sundergarh tehsil.

c) The Bargarh tehsil having an occupancy of 142 sq km.

“The total tiger population in Orissa was estimated to be 45 (37 to 53) tigers,” according to the report.

According to the recommendations made in the report, the major source population of tigers in Orissa is in Simlipal. Due to its large size and good habitat it can potentially sustain a viable population for long term conservation. It also has the potential to connect with the forests of Saranda in Jharkhand.